Bed and Breakfast

Our bed and breakfast not only had the perfect setting at the Merced River but also excellent food.
A nossa pousada não tinha apenas a melhor localização às margens do Rio Merced mas tinha também um excelente café matinal.
We stayed at the Yosemite Blue Butterfly bed and breakfast, just 2 miles from the park entrance. Ficamos na pousada Yosemite Blue Butterfly, apenas a cerca de 3 km da entrada do parque. Breakfast at the deck always had hummingbirds and other birds. O café matinal no patio sempre nos mostrava beija-flores e outros pássaros. BB003 DSC00990 BB004 DSC00992 BB005 DSC00995 BB006 DSC00996 BB007 DSC00999 At the deck with the Merced River on the side. No patio com o Rio Merced ao lado. The food was delicious. A comida era deliciosa.
BB010 DSC01005 The elusive oriole was finally caught on camera! Este oriole era super difícil se ser fotografado. I actually got this shot on the 5th day at the B&B. Na verdade eu consegui essa foto apenas no quinto dia na pousada. BB013 DSC01347